Contact Us
Donate to the Garden
Your tax deductible donation to support the garden will be appreciated. Please send checks to:
PO Box 424
Hansville, WA 98340
BLNPG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered with the IRS, EIN 38-3863959.
Coming Events
No events are currently scheduled.
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Buck Lake Native Plant Garden
PO Box 424
Hansville, WA 98340
Directions to the Garden
Turn north at the intersection of Hansville Road and Highway 104. Travel 8 miles to the intersection of Hansville Road and Buck Lake Road. Turn left onto Buck Lake Road and travel half a mile to the Buck Lake County Park entrance, park in the paved parking lot and walk across the open field. You will see the garden behind a split rail fence, on the west side of the field, clearly marked with signs.
The Hansville Greenway Wildlife Corridor is also accessible near the garden.