Contact Us

Donate to the Garden

Your tax deductible donation to support the garden will be appreciated. Please send checks to:

PO Box 424
Hansville, WA 98340

BLNPG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered with the IRS, EIN 38-3863959.

Coming Events

Join us for garden work parties on the first and third Monday of each month, April through October, 9am-noon. Dig, prune, learn! All are welcome.

Help Support Our Garden at the Kitsap Great Give 2025

  • Mar 11 2025 - 8:00am

    On Tuesday March 11 we will participate with scores of other nonprofits in the Kitsap Great Give. Make the 12th Annual Kitsap Great Give the biggest yet by supporting your favorite causes and help strengthen, unite, and empower our community. Early giving begins March 1!

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  • Write Us
    Buck Lake Native Plant Garden
    PO Box 424
    Hansville, WA 98340

Directions to the Garden

Turn north at the intersection of Hansville Road and Highway 104. Travel 8 miles to the intersection of Hansville Road and Buck Lake Road. Turn left onto Buck Lake Road and travel half a mile to the Buck Lake County Park entrance, park in the paved parking lot and walk across the open field. You will see the garden behind a split rail fence, on the west side of the field, clearly marked with signs.

The Hansville Greenway Wildlife Corridor is also accessible near the garden.