
2 - Claudia Gorbman
Yarrow (with other colorful names including Bloodwort, Carpenter's Weed, Milfoil, Devil's Nettle, Nosebleed Plant, Old Man's Pepper, Soldier's Woundwort, and Thousand-leaf) is a native herbaceous perennial that grows in dry sunny places. In the Native Plant Garden, it's located in the swale. Normally, Common Yarrow's flowers are white, but the Garden has cultivars of orange, yellow, and a vibrant red. The millefolium of its scientific name (a thousand leaves) refers to the distinctive feathery narrow leaves. Among the herb's many uses in tribal medicine, a poultice of chewed leaves is applied to relieve swollen areas, toothaches, muscle sprains, and as a blood purifier; the juice has been swallowed to relieve coughs, sore throats, and stomach problems.