
Image by Walter Siegmund
Licensed Under: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Unported
A fragile-looking but adaptable little plant, Linnaea borealis or twinflower, is found across the Northern U.S., and through California and the Rocky Mountains (actually throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere).
Although it loves cool, dark forests, it can often be found under deciduous canopies and even on open slopes. It is happy with either moist or average soil conditions.
In June or July, twinflower sports pairs of flowers, hence its common name, in pink or white. The highly fragrant flowers are held slightly above the foliage on short Y-shaped stalks. The leaves also appear in pairs. About 4" in height, Linnaea borealis is evergreen and semi-woody. It creeps over the surface of the ground with long runners, puttling down roots as it goes.