Western Columbine

Images by Chris Brinton
Although a common perennial, Aquilegia formosa, Western columbine, is nevertheless a beautiful addition to any garden. Its delicate soft-green foliage is lovely on its own, but topped with graceful thin stems of dangling reddish-orange and yellow flowers, it is a perfect perennial for the front of a garden bed. Western columbine is very adaptable and will grow in sun or shade and moist or dry conditions, but it is happiest in part-shade and moist soil. It will bloom for several weeks beginning in late April or early May. Its flowers can be cut back to encourage a second flush of blooms. This plant is somewhat short-lived, but readily self-sows.
Aquilegia formosa is grown in the Buck Lake Native Plant Garden along the main path near the south entrance to the garden and above the seasonal streambed, mingling with Douglas iris. It is a magnet for hummingbirds and is visited by Swallowtail Butterflies as well.
See the link below for more information on western columbine.