Oak Fern

Image by Lindsey Vallance
Gymnocarpium dryopteris, more readily known as oak fern, adds a punch of apple-green to shady areas of the garden. Spreading by underground stems, it is a tough, but delicate looking, groundcover. Oak fern thrives in light to deep shade. While it prefers a moist, well-drained soil, it is tolerant of both sandy and clay soils, as well. As the summer progresses, Gymnocarpium dryopteris can become s bit straggly looking. To tidy it up, cut it back in late August and it will produce a flush of new growth to carry it through fall.
You can find oak fern in the Buck Lake Native Plant Garden at the south entrance on the south side of the path, weaving its way among vine maples, ever-green huckleberry and deer fern.